Day 3- Travel to Nogales and Ajo

Today started with the bright sunshine peeking into our tents. We were much more well rested than the previous night. After a hearty breakfast we packed up camp and rode in the vans to the border city of Nogales. Along the way we stopped at Patagonia Lake State Park where we journaled and splashed in the cool waters of a small lake. Once we reached Nogales we met up with the mural artist Priscilla also known as "Nefftys". She guided us on a walking tour while speaking about the border. This included the cultural significance of the border. She helped us debunk the misleading images of the border and how we as Menlo students can help correct common stereotypes about it. We finished our stop in Nogales with a sweet treat of ice cream. We hopped back in the vans and two hours later, we arrived at the cozy town of Ajo for a delicious homemade dinner and winding down with well needed showers. Today was a beautiful day to be in sunny Arizona. 

- Hana and Claire 

Today, we explored Patagonia and Nogales. In Patagonia we swam in the lake and reflected upon the uses of borders in world history. When we arrived in Nogales, we were able to see the border first hand as we were guided by Nefty. It was very surprising to see people crossing the border so frequently! We also got to see numerous murals painted on the walls of the buildings in the city. After this, we drove three hours over to Ajó and enjoyed a wonderful dinner handmade by the staff at the hotel. Afterwards, we visited our rooms to get ready for bed. 

- Rafi Kauffman

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