Day 2- Canelo Project


Today was an adventurous day! To start off the day, we met Bill, the founder of the Canelo project. We talked with him about how sustainable living is very important in modern society. We also discussed that we don’t know where much of our food comes from and that lots of it undergoes processes that have negative impacts on our bodies. 

Next Bill gave us a tour of the area and showed us the many buildings built by the community to give us an example of how adobe bricks and other natural materials could be used in building structures.

Speaking of adobe bricks, we made some today! We mixed clay rich mud with our feet and put it into brick molds. 

Another activity we did was creating a plaster and putting it on walls, which everyone enjoyed! 

Overall it was a fun day filled with new experiences that pushed us out of our comfort zone, we're looking forward to traveling to Nogales tomorrow to visit and learn more about the border firsthand as well as Ajo (where we're all looking forward to sleeping in real beds and flushing toilets)!

 - Sienna and Anya

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